Category of Personal Information Collected

Sold or Shared

Identifiers, including names, online identifiers, IP addresses, email addresses, account names, Social Security numbers, driver's license numbers, passport numbers, and other similar identifiers. Yes
Personal information categories listed in the California Customer Records statute, including names, telephone numbers, and payment information (credit/debit card numbers). Yes
Protected classification characteristics under federal law or California law, including age (over 40). Yes
Commercial information, including products or services purchased, obtained, or considered. Yes
Internet or other electronic network activity information, including browsing history and information regarding interactions with our Sites and advertisements. Yes
Geolocation data, such as IP location. No
Audio, electronic, visual, or similar information, including phone call recordings. No
Inferences, meaning inferences drawn from any of the information in the above-listed categories of information. No
Sensitive personal information, including Social Security numbers, driver's license/state ID card numbers, passport numbers, and account log-in information in combination with passwords. No
Request Type Number of Requests Received Number of Requests With Which We Complied (in whole or in part) Number of Requests Denied* Average Response Time (Number of Days)
Requests to Know 0 0 0 n/a
Requests to Delete 9 0 9 51
Requests to Opt Out of the Sale of Personal Information 11 10 1 6.09